the real question is why you keep obsessing about a hypothesis whose consequence is making you superior and giving a pass to dominate over another group of people. It’s laughable you talk about love then immediately call them “stupid” as if IQ was an irrefutable measure of intelligence.
I would like to see an experiment, steal a group of whites and take them to do forced labor to Africa, then measure their offspring’s IQs over decades and let’s see, because all you do is use USA as the he measure but would we see the same reversed? Maybe in that case the whites would seem more violent and “stupid”
You cannot run from the truth, David. You can embrace it, you can engage with the dark intellectual underbelly. You can shape the narrative of tomorrow with love. You seem afraid of something.
IQ is a pretty good measure of intelligence. You're not going to get any mileage out of this argument, because the science is actually pretty unanimous that IQ is a good measure of intelligence as well as predictive for all kinds of things.
To your hypothetical, yeah, probably not. But the race / continent fit, I mean I think that's not the world's worst point to be making fwiw.
I think it's way too ambitious of you to think you can get close to any kind of "truth". What you're speaking of seems more like just particular models about reality, which would result in particular perspectives. Night-vision Goggles aren’t any more “true” than regular vision, they just enhance the clarity of particular aspects, for particular purposes, and obscure others. That’s the thing about IQ, it’s not really about “intelligent” vs “stupid”, it’s just measuring a particular set of things which are “useful” in this very particular society to make money, and that’ why it’s regarded as valuable.
What I’m trying to say is, equating High or Low IQ to intelligence and stupidity is inaccurate and reductive. You seem very emotionally stupid to me, and if society was configured differently, it wouldn’t matter that you can code really well and I would just pin you as stupid.
It's not that I want to "run from the truth", it's just that your model is not useful for anything positive.
Let's take your own example. You say blacks are better at culture and music. If everyone would hyper focus on that, then we wouldn't have Eminem or Mac Miller. Same is true the other way around, with the so called "intelligence" difference. My point being, yeah maybe it's true that if you do a perfect study whites will score higher for IQ on average (and we’re not even delving in the nurture reasons this may be the case), but what is this useful for? Why do you obsess over it? What would you derive from this model? Do you wish to discourage people with a statistical disadvantage? do you want employers to discriminate? That's what your model would ultimately do.
Another example, let’s say you live with your girlfriend, and you create a test that determines who is the best cook. Ok so now you know, according to this test, that you’re the best cook. What’s this useful for? are you going to be the sole cooker now? No, because whose best is not relevant, because you’re GF cooks nice, you’re just "better" (according to some arbitrary standards). Your GF will cook some things you wouldn’t, and having you both cook would make the menu richer, plus you both could enjoy the fulfillment that comes from making a meal for one another. But if you just focus on whose “the best”, and who is the “intelligent cooker” and the “more stupid cook”, you’re just making everything worse in a meaningless search to optimize something that needs not to be optimal. In the end, optimal is always relative to what you’re trying to achieve, and what you are trying to achieve is arbitrary.
So that's why I question why you insist on a perspective, which if true, just leaves us in a worse situation in terms of having a nice society where we all cooperate and have fair opportunities to seek self realization.
What results would adopting your perspective have? Terrible things like putting people in boxes and limiting what they're capable of achieve by prejudice. It would result in people believing like you say blacks are "more stupid", thus feeling superior and treating them like less, telling them to focus on sports and leave high IQ tasks to whites. More segregation.
So it really puzzles me why you insist so much on a perspective which would achieve absolutely nothing positive, I think you just get triggered when people refuse to openly discuss these matters or consider that they can be true. I agree we should be able to talk about it, but I fail to understand why you continue to push on this as if it’s important that we know which race is better suited for what. If just makes you come off as a cold, presumptuous person, and that is pretty stupid to me, even if you have a high capacity for logic, math and whatever.
I think you spend too much time on the computer and think people in a society are just assets to be assigned according to metrics, in order to max out productivity. That's not what life's about, life is about self realization (among other things). And this perspective ultimately would result on limiting people's dreams and aspirations, and justifying discrimination and segregation.
you are a beta male. I am a high-T alpha male and a feminist. As such, I will not be reading that wall of text that is just infused with soy. I can smell the soy and the estrogen just leeching off of it, really repugnant.
I should've summarized it more, but I thought you wanted to actually have a discussion about the topic you seem so obsessed with. I guess you're only interested in vomiting your thoughts and continue pretending you're superior. Good luck with that and everything. Life will humble you in due time.
Superb essay, Paco! We miss you on X. Not seeing "cheerio" on the feed makes me saddened, as our very own Feminist supremacist and lover of blacks is not there...
I've written a comprehensive page on topic, if you're interested:
the real question is why you keep obsessing about a hypothesis whose consequence is making you superior and giving a pass to dominate over another group of people. It’s laughable you talk about love then immediately call them “stupid” as if IQ was an irrefutable measure of intelligence.
I would like to see an experiment, steal a group of whites and take them to do forced labor to Africa, then measure their offspring’s IQs over decades and let’s see, because all you do is use USA as the he measure but would we see the same reversed? Maybe in that case the whites would seem more violent and “stupid”
You cannot run from the truth, David. You can embrace it, you can engage with the dark intellectual underbelly. You can shape the narrative of tomorrow with love. You seem afraid of something.
IQ is a pretty good measure of intelligence. You're not going to get any mileage out of this argument, because the science is actually pretty unanimous that IQ is a good measure of intelligence as well as predictive for all kinds of things.
To your hypothetical, yeah, probably not. But the race / continent fit, I mean I think that's not the world's worst point to be making fwiw.
I think it's way too ambitious of you to think you can get close to any kind of "truth". What you're speaking of seems more like just particular models about reality, which would result in particular perspectives. Night-vision Goggles aren’t any more “true” than regular vision, they just enhance the clarity of particular aspects, for particular purposes, and obscure others. That’s the thing about IQ, it’s not really about “intelligent” vs “stupid”, it’s just measuring a particular set of things which are “useful” in this very particular society to make money, and that’ why it’s regarded as valuable.
What I’m trying to say is, equating High or Low IQ to intelligence and stupidity is inaccurate and reductive. You seem very emotionally stupid to me, and if society was configured differently, it wouldn’t matter that you can code really well and I would just pin you as stupid.
It's not that I want to "run from the truth", it's just that your model is not useful for anything positive.
Let's take your own example. You say blacks are better at culture and music. If everyone would hyper focus on that, then we wouldn't have Eminem or Mac Miller. Same is true the other way around, with the so called "intelligence" difference. My point being, yeah maybe it's true that if you do a perfect study whites will score higher for IQ on average (and we’re not even delving in the nurture reasons this may be the case), but what is this useful for? Why do you obsess over it? What would you derive from this model? Do you wish to discourage people with a statistical disadvantage? do you want employers to discriminate? That's what your model would ultimately do.
Another example, let’s say you live with your girlfriend, and you create a test that determines who is the best cook. Ok so now you know, according to this test, that you’re the best cook. What’s this useful for? are you going to be the sole cooker now? No, because whose best is not relevant, because you’re GF cooks nice, you’re just "better" (according to some arbitrary standards). Your GF will cook some things you wouldn’t, and having you both cook would make the menu richer, plus you both could enjoy the fulfillment that comes from making a meal for one another. But if you just focus on whose “the best”, and who is the “intelligent cooker” and the “more stupid cook”, you’re just making everything worse in a meaningless search to optimize something that needs not to be optimal. In the end, optimal is always relative to what you’re trying to achieve, and what you are trying to achieve is arbitrary.
So that's why I question why you insist on a perspective, which if true, just leaves us in a worse situation in terms of having a nice society where we all cooperate and have fair opportunities to seek self realization.
What results would adopting your perspective have? Terrible things like putting people in boxes and limiting what they're capable of achieve by prejudice. It would result in people believing like you say blacks are "more stupid", thus feeling superior and treating them like less, telling them to focus on sports and leave high IQ tasks to whites. More segregation.
So it really puzzles me why you insist so much on a perspective which would achieve absolutely nothing positive, I think you just get triggered when people refuse to openly discuss these matters or consider that they can be true. I agree we should be able to talk about it, but I fail to understand why you continue to push on this as if it’s important that we know which race is better suited for what. If just makes you come off as a cold, presumptuous person, and that is pretty stupid to me, even if you have a high capacity for logic, math and whatever.
I think you spend too much time on the computer and think people in a society are just assets to be assigned according to metrics, in order to max out productivity. That's not what life's about, life is about self realization (among other things). And this perspective ultimately would result on limiting people's dreams and aspirations, and justifying discrimination and segregation.
you are a beta male. I am a high-T alpha male and a feminist. As such, I will not be reading that wall of text that is just infused with soy. I can smell the soy and the estrogen just leeching off of it, really repugnant.
I should've summarized it more, but I thought you wanted to actually have a discussion about the topic you seem so obsessed with. I guess you're only interested in vomiting your thoughts and continue pretending you're superior. Good luck with that and everything. Life will humble you in due time.
That's why you included all those stupid little personal digs? And still continuing to? Get real buddy. So disingenuous! Cheerio
Superb essay, Paco! We miss you on X. Not seeing "cheerio" on the feed makes me saddened, as our very own Feminist supremacist and lover of blacks is not there...
I do hope they restore your account soon.
Thanks Lucius! I'm actually on X again. Here's my new account.
Ave Paco!
This made my day. My mental clarity is back since I saw that Lieutenant Paco is with us.